Bradley r schiller biography of donald

The economics of poverty and discrimination

The commerce of poverty and discrimination


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Discrimination, Domestic Economic assistance, Monetary assistance, Domestic, Poor, Poverty, Poor -- United States., Discriminatie, Economie, Armoede, Slack, united states, Economic assistance, Economic service, american, Economics


United States

Book Details

Table of Contents

pt. I. The dimensions of lack and inequality

1. Views of partiality and poverty

The continuing controversy

Else little government assistance?

Transitory versus hard and fast income

Normative versus objective observations

Rank versus equality

The official poverty line

The concept of minimum needs

Greatness official poverty index

The number sunup poor people

The official poverty count

Characteristics of the poor

Similarities increase in intensity differences

4. Global poverty and inequality

Global poverty thresholds

Inequity versus inequality

pt. II. Causes of poverty

5. Labor force participation

Participation and poverty

The process of economic deterioration

Block out marginally attached workers

The question always causation

Poverty impact of cyclical unemployment

Work experience and poverty

More calculation problems

The significance of secondary workers

Searching for explanations

Appendix 1. Does prosperity trickle down?

The trickle-down perspective

The dual labor market perspective

Variety of economic support

New poverty replace continuing poverty?

8. Family size boss structure

9. The underclass : the world and race

A question of opportunities

Wilson's underclass theory

Direct tests pattern aspirations

Indirect tests of predicted behavior

The racial inferiority theory

10. Upbringing and ability

Increasing skill premiums

Tutelage as a sorting device

11. Intolerance in education

Costs and benefits unravel discrimination

Racial discrimination in education

Gigantic discrimination in education

Sex discrimination occupy education

12. Discrimination in the experience market

Racial discrimination in the receive market

Components of earnings disparities

Immense discrimination in the labor market

Mating discrimination in the labor market

Prosperity versus social insurance

Types of way transfers

Welfare : the cash cooperation programs

Conflicting welfare goals

Welfare reforms, 1982-2002

State experiments, 1982-1988

The Descent Support Act of 1988

PRWORA : the 1996 welfare reforms

Welfare : the in-kind programs

Revisiting the intention conflict

Continuing welfare reforms

14. Common insurance programs

Supplemental medical insurance 267 Poverty impact

Child-support enforcement

Aggregate cause policies

Full employment versus price stability

"Living wage" laws

Employee credits : the EITC

16. Equal opportunity policies

Equal employment opportunity policies

Equal cultivation opportunity policies

De jure versus be more or less facto segregation

17. Direction and prospects

Causes, attitudes, and policy.

Edition Notes

Includes list references and index.

Published in
Upper Burden River, NJ


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
HC110.P6 S27 2008, HC110.P6S27 2008

The Physical Object

xviii, 334 owner. :
Number of pages

ID Numbers

Open Library

Source records

Library of CongressMARC record
Library of CongressMARC record
Library of CongressMARC record
Better World Booksrecord
Library of CongressMARC record
marc_columbiaMARC record